Karen K Stone: Purpose + Passion
A quilter since 1986, Karen’s inspiration manifests equally of innovation and tradition. Her quilts have won numerous awards, including first prizes in international competitions, and her designs appear frequently in exhibition.

A quilter since 1986, Karen’s inspiration manifests equally of innovation and tradition. She received the Master of Innovative Artistry award at IQF in 2009, and People’s Choice at Quilt National ’95, and is now part of the QN collection at the International Quilt Museum. Her pieces have won Best of Show in Dallas in 2020, juried into Quilts=Art=Quilts 2022, and won awards in QuiltCon 2022 & 2023, IQF and AQS shows, and at Quilt National ’23. Having enjoyed success in design, publication, she continues to teach and judge nationally, and reinvent herself in new work. Karen holds degrees in Piano from Baylor and Indiana Universities, has two beautiful daughters, three exemplary cats, and rides her bike from historic Deep Ellum in Dallas, TX.