Through the Block of the Month Club, The National Quilt Museum aims to challenge quilters to experiment with new techniques and styles while having fun connecting with quilters from all over the world, and learning more about the museum in the process!
Current News
Round 6
Round 6 will begin April 1 and run through November, 2024. Patterns will drop on the 1st of each month at Noon Central Time.
This Round we’ve given each designer the same theme of Echo to use as inspiration for their block designs.
Blocks this Round will finish at 16″ x 16″ square.
Block designs remain a mystery until they drop on the 1st of the month at Noon, so we do not have specific fabric amounts to give you. You are free to choose your own color schemes and fabrics to make your blocks.
Round 5 Label
Round 5 Labels are available via request for Block of the Month Club participants. Quilts must include each of the 8 blocks (or recognizable variations) from Round 5 which ran May – December 2023. Fill out the form and include 1 photo of the front of your finished quilt.
Quilts must be quilted and bound/finished edges to receive a label. If you have a couple quilts from Round 5, you can request additional labels by submitting a form and photo for each completed Round 5 quilt.
Please allow several weeks for your label to arrive via mail. There will not be a Round 5 exhibit this year.

All previous patterns are available here and in the Facebook group under Files, so you can join in at any time or go back and create individual blocks as desired.